Main pageFeaturesHorizontal mount

Horizontal mount pumps

Насоси горизонтального монтажу є ефективними пристроями для перекачування рідин у промислових та комерційних системах. Вони встановлюються на горизонтальній поверхні, що забезпечує зручність у монтажі та обслуговуванні. Ці насоси широко застосовуються в різних галузях, включаючи водопостачання, каналізацію, нафтогазову промисловість, хімічне виробництво та інші завдяки своїй надійності, високій продуктивності та простоті експлуатації. Горизонтальне розташування насоса дозволяє ефективно використовувати його в системах, де вертикальний монтаж не є можливим або зручним. В результаті, насоси горизонтального монтажу є невід'ємною частиною інфраструктури багатьох підприємств та забезпечують надійне функціонування технічних систем.

TOP-30 Horizontal mount + other products

Hygienic Series

Hygienic Series

Pneumatic diaphragm pumps of the hygienic series are made of polished stainless steel AISI 316L. The pumps are hermetically sealed, self-priming, and are designed primarily for pumping of slightly aggressive media, food and cosmetic products. They are used in those industries where there are increased requirements to hygiene, for example dairy production.

Flow Range:max. 850 l/min
Temperature:up to 120°C
Pressure:8 bar
Solids:max. 15 mm
Materials:AISI 316 L
Hygienic Progressive Cavity Pump

Hygienic Progressive Cavity Pump

The hygienic screw pumps are specially designed for use in the food, cosmetics and beverage industries. The pumps have a simple design, which greatly simplifies their cleaning. All metal parts in contact with the pumped product are made of SS304 / SS316 stainless steel. For the transport of materials with high viscosity, pumps with a wide discharge hopper are designed.

Flow Range:max. 86 m3/h
Viscosity:5.000 St
Temperature:max. +150 °C
Pressure:max. 24 bar
Solids:presence of solid particles up to 7%
Materials:stainless steel
Motor speed gear pumps

Motor speed gear pumps

Viking's motor-speed industrial pumps are designed for increased performance by using double ball bearings and a direct motor-pump arrangement. Reliable mechanical seals and gaskets eliminate leakage and extend pump life.

Flow Range:132 m3/h
Viscosity:1 to 5,500 cSt
Temperature:-40°C to +180°C
Pressure:17 bar
Materials:cast iron
Helical gear pumps

Helical gear pumps

Helical gear pumps are used for pumping viscous liquids at low speeds. These pumps work same gear pumps. Pump shaft transmits circular movement with own gear to other gear on inverse side. While gears leave from other, liquid get full between gears. While gears become close, this liquid moves with rotary motion to outlet. We can have pressure until 20 Bar according to liquid viscose.

Also they are good in where there is a need for uninterrupted capacity for less viscous and medium pressure places.


Flow Range:up to 350 m³/h
Viscosity:100 ~ 250.000 SSU
Temperature:0 ~ 350 ºC
Pressure:to 15 Bar
Materials:Cast iron, steel cast, stainless AISI 304 / 316 cast,ductile iron
Dry-operated rotary vane vacuum pumps AVPS

Dry-operated rotary vane vacuum pumps AVPS

Dry operated rotary vane pumps designed to operate without any lubrication. They require minimum maintenance, which can be carried out easily thanks to the direct access to the vanes. They can be used as vacuum pumps, as compressors, or to produce vacuum and pressure simultaneously.

Flow Range:up to 45 m3/h
Materials:cast iron, stainless steel, steel, bronze
Vacuum:up to 150 mbar
Liquid ring pump condenser exhausters

Liquid ring pump condenser exhausters

Liquid ring vacuum pumps are used in centralised vacuum systems and in power generation. The vacuum systems consist of exhaust ventilation units for the main condenser and filling units for the water condenser. The systems are designed for both load and hold modes.
In many cases, the pump is assisted by a first stage gas or steam ejector to improve pump performance at different condenser loads. The ASCO VACUUM team has extensive experience in geothermal applications.

Flow Range:up to 50 m3/h and up
Vacuum:down to 33 mbar
Liquid ring pump hybrid systems

Liquid ring pump hybrid systems

Hybrid systems offer the engineering advantage of designing process vacuum systems based on a combination of two or more different technologies to achieve the required performance with the most reliable and efficient solution.

Sandpiper plastic series

Sandpiper plastic series

The SANDPIPER Non-Metallic AODD Pumps for standard applications are one of the most popular diaphragm pump series. The pumps are available in a wide range of sizes (1/4'' - 3''), casing materials and elastomers. The pumps are most commonly used in production areas where aggressive and explosive liquids need to be pumped. Due to their light weight, these pumps are used in portable versions for pumping liquids from drums.

Flow Range:up to 1060 l/min
Temperature:depends on elastomer
Pressure:up to 7 bar
Solids:up to 19 mm
Materials:corrosion-resistant polypropylene or PVDF
Dimensions:up to 3''
Dellmeco plastic series

Dellmeco plastic series

DELLMECO air-operated diaphragm pumps (AODD) are suitable for a wide range of applications. They have high abrasion resistance and can withstand aggressive chemicals, including acids, oils, solvents, paints, sludge and even media containing solid particles, such as in wastewater. These pumps can also be used for pumping powders.
All pumps are self-priming and their performance and pressure can be easily controlled. This pump is a positive displacement pump that pumps liquids by the movement of diaphragms driven by compressed air. The casing in contact with the liquid is made of polyethylene (PE), polyethylene conductive, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), polytetrafluoroethylene conductive.

Flow Range:up to 850 l/min
Viscosity:max. 20.000 mPas
Temperature:max. 110 °С
Pressure:up to 8 bar
Solids:max. 15 mm
Materials:polyethylene, fluoroplastic, teflon, including conductive
Dimensions:up to 3 in.
General industrial gear pumps

General industrial gear pumps

General purpose pumps are widely used in all areas of industrial production around the world due to their gentle handling of the fluid during pumping, as well as their simple and robust design and minimal maintenance. Thanks to the standard connection dimensions, the pumps can be combined with any motor and other drive elements that comply with NEMA or IEC standards.

Flow Range:102 m3/h
Viscosity:440 000 cSt
Temperature:-50 +230 °C
Pressure:17 bar
Materials:cast iron, stainless steel
Single stage liquid ring vacuum pumps AVA

Single stage liquid ring vacuum pumps AVA

The AVA series pumps are designed and manufactured for use in the most critical applications, their main feature being that they are suitable for suction of contaminated gas mixtures, corrosive gases and vapours, explosive gases and vapours of any nature up to normal end vacuum, providing a maximum vacuum of up to 180 mbar. They are manufactured to the highest quality standards.

Flow Range:up to 1950 m3/h
Materials:cast iron, stainless steel
Vacuum:up to 33 mbar abs
Two-stage liquid ring vacuum pumps of the AVD series

Two-stage liquid ring vacuum pumps of the AVD series

Two-stage vacuum pumps of the AVD-AVDL series are capable of creating a maximum residual pressure of up to 33 mbar. They are in demand in cases where it is necessary to pump out various moisture in the form of steam or liquids in sufficiently large quantities. The reliability of the products is beyond doubt, they are easy to maintain, and they can be used to pump out any gas or vapour. Materials used for manufacturing range from high-quality, particularly resistant cast iron to stainless steel of the highest grades, for example, AISI 316.

Flow Range:up to 1800 m3/h
Temperature:max. gas temperature: 100°С
Pressure:up to 5 bar
Materials:stainless steel, cast iron
Vacuum:up to 33 mbar
Oil rotary vane vacuum pumps AVPL

Oil rotary vane vacuum pumps AVPL

The AVPL oil rotary lobe pumps are extremely compact thanks to their integrated motor and transmission, making them the ideal choice for compact installations. They are equipped with extremely robust blades that ensure a long service life. Specially designed oil filters ensure excellent oil separation, removing even the smallest oil droplets from the exhaust air.

Flow Range:up to 365 m³/h
Materials:cast iron, stainless steel, steel, bronze
Vacuum:2 mbar or up to 0,1 mbar
Single stage liquid ring vacuum pumps AVM & AVL

Single stage liquid ring vacuum pumps AVM & AVL

The AVM and AVL series consist of single-stage liquid ring vacuum pumps designed to achieve deep vacuum. Both series have the same hydraulics but different designs.

Flow Range:up to 470 m3/h
Temperature:max. gas temperature: 120°C; max. liquid temperature: 50°C
Pressure:up to 2 bar
Materials:casr iron, stainless steel
Vacuum:up to 33 mbar
Heavy duty & API 681 liquid ring vacuum pumps & systems

Heavy duty & API 681 liquid ring vacuum pumps & systems

Liquid ring vacuum pumps and systems meeting API 681 standards for chemical and petrochemical applications. Suitable for heavy duties, are available in different exotic materials with single or double cartridge API 682 cartridge mechanical seals. Package design standards in line with most stringent project specifications and quality requirements.

Flow Range:from 500 to 10.000 m3/h
Vacuum:down to 100 mbar
Hose pumps VPH series

Hose pumps VPH series

The VPH series of peristaltic pumps with shoe technology is our updated peristaltic pump designed for high pressure applications up to 15 bar, with 14 sizes available in flow rates up to 150 m3/h. This is a heavy-duty industrial pump series designed for round-the-clock operation. We have combined the best available materials with clever design solutions to maximise uptime and minimise maintenance.
This pump summarises what we want to achieve: the best pumping solutions for our customers. Our design increases the simplicity and reliability of the pump.

Flow Range:max. 150 m3/h
Viscosity:1.000.000 cP
Temperature:max. 90 °C
Pressure:max. 15 bar
Solids:up to 60 mm
Materials:cast iron
Dimensions:hose diameter: ¼'' ÷ 5''
Hose pumps N series

Hose pumps N series

Peristaltic pumps of the N series (roller design) are self-priming peristaltic pumps with a seal-free design. The liquids are transported inside the hose and do not come into contact with any metal parts of the pump.

The pumps are characterised by extremely smooth pumping of the product, thus preventing the formation of emulsions or turbulence. All pumps can be supplied in monoblock versions connected to gearboxes, regulators, electric, diesel, pneumatic or hydraulic motors.

Flow Range:max. 60 m3/h
Viscosity:150.000 cps
Temperature:max. 100 °C
Pressure:max. 7 bar
Solids:max. permissible content - 60% up to 60 mm
Horizontal centrifugal pumps

Horizontal centrifugal pumps

Idrochemical NCM centrifugal pumps comply with the dimensional criteria of ISO 2858 and ISO 5199. The casing and impeller profiles are designed to achieve high hydraulic efficiency and low NPSH.

The NCM line is available in five bearing housing sizes with wide interchangeability of parts, which allows for low maintenance spares.

Flow Range:up to 1500 m3/h
Temperature:-80°C to 350°C
Pressure:to 25 bar
Dimensions:Discharge size from 20 mm (¾ in) to 300 mm (12 in)
Head:up to 140 m
Closed coupled centrifugal pumps

Closed coupled centrifugal pumps

With pump ends conforming to ISO 2858 dimensional and technical standards and to ISO 5199 design criteria, the NCB provides a compact, space-saving arrangement ideal for industrial processes or installations when space is at a premium. NCB pumps are fitted with standard, readily available electric motors so the user can choose an enclosure to suit the application.

Heavy-Duty Casing with integral foot and multi-ribbed discharge flange provides superior resistance to pipe loads.

Flow Range:up to 300 m3/h
Temperature:-80°C to 350°C
Pressure:to 25 bar
Dimensions:Discharge size from 20 mm (¾ in) to 300 mm (12 in)
Head:up to 140 m
Centrifugal axial flow pump entirely made of SS

Centrifugal axial flow pump entirely made of SS

The EL series pumps are designed for pumping liquids containing solid particles. The axial impeller is resistant to wear in contaminated media.

Flow Range:up to 720 lt/min
Temperature:max 110°C
Pressure:max 3 bar
Materials:AISI 304/316 high thickness stainless steel
Dimensions:G 1, G 1 ½, G 1 ¼
Head:up to 23 mt
Sanitary centrifugal stainless steel pump LT series

Sanitary centrifugal stainless steel pump LT series

The new LT series of electric sanitary pumps has been created using advanced cold pressing technology that allows the pumps to operate in difficult conditions. The LT series pumps are designed and manufactured to ensure the highest hygiene and prevent any contamination of the liquid.
Flow Range:up to 930 lt/min
Temperature:max 80°C
Pressure:max 6 bar
Materials:AISI 316 high thickness stainless steel
Head:up to 35 mt
CM monobloc pump series

CM monobloc pump series

CMA series pumps are open impeller pumps designed for pumping liquids with suspended solids and solid particles. CMC series pumps are pumps with a closed impeller made of two stainless steel disks. CMA/CMC series pumps are used for transportation of large volumes of chemically active liquids and acids, for petroleum products, in galvanizing, pharmaceutical and paint and varnish industries.

Flow Range:up to 1800 lt/min
Temperature:max 110°C
Pressure:max 10 bar
Materials:AISI 304/316 high thickness stainless steel
Head:up to 60 mt
SP Series Self-Priming Pumps

SP Series Self-Priming Pumps

The SP series plastic centrifugal sealed chemical pumps with magnetic coupling are ideal for pumping aggressive liquids, various corrosive mixtures, solvent, wastewater with chemical impurities. The concentration of suspended solids should be no more than 1.25 mg/cubic cm. All pump components in contact with the medium are free of metal parts. Thus, no oxidation of the medium occurs in these pumps. The pumps are used even for media where contact with the atmosphere is not permitted.


Flow Range:to 47.9 m3/h
Viscosity:to 50 сP
Temperature:РР: +82 °С / PVDF: +104 °С
Pressure:to 6.2 bar
Materials:PP, PVDF
Industrial Progressive Cavity Pump

Industrial Progressive Cavity Pump

The pumps are used in various enterprises, industries, in the most difficult operating conditions, ensuring smooth fluid transfer. The pumps are suitable for pumping liquids with low and high viscosity, as well as for pumping abrasive, sticky, crushing and foaming liquids. The pumps are particularly suited for handling products with solid particles. The suction capacity is max. 5m/s. The pumps deliver regular, linear, pulsation-free and measured flow. Quiet operation without vibration.

Flow Range:max. 500 m3/h
Viscosity:up to 3,000,000 St
Temperature:max. +150 °C
Pressure:max. 48 bar
Solids:presence of particles up to 7%
Materials:cast iron, cast steel, stainless steel
Hopper pumps

Hopper pumps

The design of the pumps allows them to be used for many different applications. The standard design includes an enlarged rectangular inlet hopper with a screw conveyor that pushes the product to be pumped into the pump's working section. There are versions in which the pump inlet is equipped with a large screw, an integrated cork breaker or both. Most pumps are supplied in a monoblock design (direct connection of the pump to the electric motor) or with a free shaft outlet (without an electric motor).

Flow Range:up to 200 m3/h
Viscosity:up to 3.000.000 cSt
Pressure:up to 36 bar
Solids:presence of particles up to 40%
Materials:steel, cast stainless steel
Internal eccentric gear pump

Internal eccentric gear pump

VALISI internal gear pumps of the VD series are positive displacement pumps with a robust and simple design (only two moving parts). This type of design allows for efficient pumping of both liquid and clean media, as well as highly viscous abrasive media with inclusions (e.g. asphalt, chocolate, honey, etc.). The pumps can pump liquids with a viscosity of 100 ~ 1.000.000 cst. The pumps provide a uniform flow and high pressure. The following gear pump designs are available: without axial support, with axial support, in-line design, monoblock design, and high-speed design.

Flow Range:max 250 m3/h
Viscosity:max 1.000.000 cst
Temperature:-40 ~ 300 ºC
Pressure:max 15 Bar
Materials:Pig Cast Iron, Spheroidal Cast ıron, Cast Steel, AISI 304/316 CrNi Stainless Steel
Valisi lobe pumps

Valisi lobe pumps

Rotary Lobe Pumps are reliable and efficient solutions for pumping liquids in a wide range of industries that require reliable and wear-resistant technology.

Rotary Lobe Pumps are reliable thanks to its hygiene design, capable of pumping without damaging liquid’s structure, and depending on liquid’s viscosity, Rotary Lobe Pumps have the ability of generating pressure up to 12 Bar.

Flow Range:400 m³/h
Viscosity:250.000 SSU
Temperature:150 ºC
Pressure:10 Bar
Materials:cast iron
Flexible impeller pumps

Flexible impeller pumps

The MENC-INOX industrial pumps are pumps with a flexible stainless steel impeller. The impeller deforms inside the stainless steel casing to provide fast suction of up to 5 m and constant and accurate liquid transfer. In addition, the low speed makes this pump suitable for pumping liquids and media containing solids that require careful handling. Due to the low speed, pumping is carried out without harmful foaming of the emulsion, the so-called "shear effect".

Flow Range:up to 930 lt/min
Temperature:max 70°C
Pressure:max 3 bar
Materials:stainless steel
Head:up to 35 mt
Rotary lobe pump DW

Rotary lobe pump DW

The DW pump series is the newest series of SPX FLOW rotary lobe pumps. No other cam pump on the market today offers such a wide range of functions in one pump. DW pump models are hygienic and meet all the requirements of industrial standards 3-A and EHEDG. All parts in contact with the product are made of AISI 316L stainless steel and the elastomers meet FDA requirements.

Flow Range:3 - 1,016 litres/100 revs
Viscosity:max. 100000 mPas
Temperature:210 ºC
Pressure:0 - 30 bar
Materials:AISI 316L stainless steel

Horizontal Pumps

Horizontal Pumps

Horizontal pumps are an effective solution for pumping liquids in various industrial and commercial applications. They are designed to be installed on a horizontal surface, which provides ease of installation and maintenance.

Industrial Horizontal Pumps

Industrial horizontal pumps

Industrial horizontal pumps are widely used in various industries, including water supply, sewage, oil and gas industry, chemical production and others. Their reliability, high performance and ease of operation make them popular equipment at enterprises.

Horizontal pump

Horizontal installation of the pump allows it to be effectively used in systems where vertical installation is not optimal. Such pumps are easily integrated into the infrastructure of facilities and ensure stable and efficient functioning of technical systems.

When choosing a horizontal installation of a pump, it is important to consider its technical characteristics, such as performance, maximum working pressure, manufacturing materials and compatibility with the working environment. You should also pay attention to the quality of manufacturing and certification of the equipment to be sure of its reliability and safety.

Innovative technologies and modern materials allow you to create horizontal pumps that provide high efficiency, long service life and minimal maintenance costs. Therefore, with proper selection and operation, horizontal pumps become a reliable and effective solution for ensuring the operation of technological processes at enterprises in various industries.


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