Main pagePumpsInternal gear pumps Internal eccentric gear pump

Internal eccentric gear pump

General information

  • Only two moving parts
  • Reliable and efficient operation
  • Housing: cast iron, stainless steel
  • Gears: forged cast iron, carbon steel, stainless steel

The simple “gear-within a gear” principle consists of just two moving parts. This is the secret behind the reliable and efficient operation of all VALISI positive displacement pumps. The liquid is displaced by completely filling the space between the rotor teeth and idler gears. The only factor limiting the maximum performance of VALISI PUMPS, as with all rotary pumps, is that the liquid to be pumped must be relatively clean.

The pumps are designed for use in the construction materials industry, oil refining, paints, chemicals and detergents, medical and food industries, shipbuilding and many others.

Features and benefits:

  • Wide range with many sizes
  • Easy to use and maintain with only two moving parts
  • Wide operating viscosity range
  • The same pump can be used for filling and discharge due to its bi-directional properties
  • Low NPSHR reduces the chance of cavitation
  • Possibility of manufacturing in different materials (cast iron, ductile iron, steel or stainless steel)
  • Pump design is suitable for any type of seal (special design, lip seal, gland packing, single mechanical seal, double mechanical seal)
  • The design is suitable for many applications
  • The pump is not subject to pressure drops due to the volumetric displacement principle
  • Suitable for all types of drives (motor, gearbox, V-belt)
  • Port options: ANSI and DIN flanges or BSP and NPT threads
  • More cost-effective than vane or screw pumps as only one sealing element is required
  • Heating/cooling jackets can be mounted on a cover, casing or bracket
  • Casings with 360° rotation
  • No special tools required for maintenance
  • Can be connected at 90° (side-to-side) or 180° (in-line)
  • Possibility of self-priming up to 950 mBar
  • Relief valve can be mounted on the pump cover or casing
Flow Range: max 250 m3/h
Viscosity: max 1.000.000 cst
Temperature: -40 ~ 300 ºC
Pressure: max 15 Bar
Materials: Pig Cast Iron, Spheroidal Cast ıron, Cast Steel, AISI 304/316 CrNi Stainless Steel

This equipment includes

Industry sectors

  • Petrochemical industry
  • Building
  • Meat processing
  • Mining
  • Paint and surface coating
  • Food industry
  • Paints and resins
  • Glue
  • Pharmaceutical
  • Confectionery
  • Chemical
  • Beauty and personal care
  • Chicken farms
  • Pet food
  • Grain storages
  • Oil fats and mayonnaise
  • Oil and Gas
  • Oil refineries


  • High-Volume
  • Processing
  • High-Pressure
  • Lift
  • Dosing
  • Off-loading
  • Loading
  • Transfer
  • Refueling
  • Circulation
  • Beneficiation
  • Greasing
  • Discharge
  • Low pressure
  • Unloading
  • Treatment
  • High-temperature
  • Secondary processing

Processed substance

  • Thermal oil
  • Fertilisers
  • Personal care products
  • Emulsions
  • Sensitive and viscous liquids
  • Epoxy paint
  • Chocolate
  • Adhesives
  • Latex
  • CIP fluids
  • Oil, fats and mayonnaise
  • Bitumen
  • Molasses and syrups
  • High viscosity fluids
  • Soaps and detergents
  • High temperature oils
  • Vegetable oils
  • Viscous liquids
  • Sauces
  • Gels


  • Variable speed
  • Intrinsically safe
  • Mechanical seal
  • Rugged
  • CIP
  • Mobile
  • Pulse-less
  • Stainless
  • Explosion-proof
  • Low-noise
  • High-efficiency
  • Single-stage
  • High temperature
  • Sanitary
  • High system pressure
  • Flange
  • Horizontal mount
  • Chemically resistant


  • ISO 9001
  • ATEX
  • CE
  1. DeliveryWe guarantee a prompt and reliable delivery of pumping equipment to any part of the country.
  2. InstallationWe guarantee a high quality installation work, which ensures optimal and safe operation of the pumping equipment.
  3. WarrantyWe provide an extended warranty period for all pumping equipment, which indicates its high quality and reliability.
Why us

4 reasons to buy a gear pump from ASCO PUMPS

  •  We offer robust, reliable and yet economical pumps.
  •  We offer compact pumps with various options for pumping a wide variety of liquids.
  •  We always strive for the perfect quality of our products.
  •  We have a qualified approach to the needs of our customers.
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In Asco Pumps you can not only order and buy internal eccentric gear pump in Ukraine, receiving favorable prices + guarantees, but also use the full range of services including: Delivery + Installation + Service + Equipment repair.

Progressive cavity pumps

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Dosing pumps

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Vacuum pumps

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Peristaltic volumetric pumps

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Pneumatic diaphragm pumps

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Internal gear pumps

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Progressive cavity pumps

Today, ASCO POMPE manufactures screw pumps that are used in a variety of industries, from wastewater treatment plants to the wine and food industry. Screw pumps are positive displacement pumps and are designed for pumping various types of liquids: viscous, abrasive, additive liquids, suspensions and dispersions. The valve-less design of the pump, the direct dependence of its performance on the engine speed, and the ability to change the direction of flow of the pumped liquid are undoubtedly the advantages of screw pumps.

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Centrifugal pumps

Компанія Asco Pompe, відома на італійському ринку як лідер у виробництві насосів об'ємного типу дії, поступово розширила асортимент продукції, додавши до нього промислові відцентрові насоси. Відцентрові насоси є однією з найпоширеніших різновидів динамічних гідравлічних машин. Насоси, які пропонує компанія АСКО ПАМПС, широко застосовуються в системах водопостачання, водовідведення, в теплоенергетиці, в харчовій промисловості, в хімічній промисловості, в нафтохімічній галузі, в атомній промисловості, в авіаційній і ракетній техніці і ін.

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Dosing pumps

Valisi dosing pumps for the energy, chemical, agricultural, food and other industries have proven to be reliable equipment in more than 30 countries around the world, solving the problems of dosing liquids at industrial facilities in all industries. The wide range of products offered by ASСO PUMPS, including dosing pumps with capacities from 1 to 3200 l/h, mixers, controllers and water quality sensors, allows us to meet the needs of wastewater treatment plants, drinking water treatment plants, industrial processes, food processing, landscaping and agriculture.

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Lobe pumps

Кулачкові насоси це роторні лопатеві насоси універсального застосування. Насоси розроблені таким чином, щоб їх монтаж, демонтаж та обслуговування, в тому числі чистка, профілактика і ремонт, займали мінімум часу і не вимагали спеціального складного обладнання. Конструкція насосів виключає забруднення рідини, що перекачується. Сукупність цих властивостей забезпечує тривалий термін роботи обладнання. Насоси сертифіковані CE & ISO 90001.

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Vacuum pumps

На заводі ASCO POMPE виробляють наступний ряд вакуумних насосів: масляні пластинчато-роторні вакуумні насоси, сухі пластинчато-роторні вакуумні насоси, сухі гвинтові вакуумні насоси, водокільцеві вакуумні насоси, автоматичні вакуумні системи, інженерні рішення в області вакуумних систем. Завдяки великому досвіду роботи і співпраці з провідними європейськими постачальниками комплектуючих, підрозділ ASCO VACUUM випускає обладнання, що має найвищий клас якості, який гарантує надійну і тривалу роботу.

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Peristaltic volumetric pumps

VALISI peristaltic pumps cover a range of twenty models and two series with capacities up to 150 m3/h and pressures up to 15 bar. This type of pump can be operated in dry running mode, is seal-free, reversible, self-priming and has a high suction capacity. Two rollers or two shoes alternately compress the tubing, which is available in twelve different elastomeric materials for the widest possible range of applications in a wide variety of industries. The pumps are designed for continuous, round-the-clock operation with viscous, abrasive, solids, transfer or dosing products.

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Pneumatic diaphragm pumps

Air Operated Double Diaphragm Pumps are one of the most versatile pumps on the market today. They can be purchased at a favourable price and are used in many industries to pump a wide range of liquids.

Thanks to their simple operating principles, compact and reliable design, and a wide range of materials and accessories, diaphragm pumps meet all the requirements for industrial pumping equipment.

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Internal gear pumps

Internal gear pumps are self-priming positive displacement pumps with a robust and simple design (only two moving parts). This type of design allows for efficient pumping of both liquid and clean media, as well as abrasive, highly viscous media with inclusions (e.g. asphalt, chocolate, honey, etc.). The pumps can pump liquids with a viscosity of 1 cSt to 450,000 cSt. The pumps provide a uniform flow and high pressure. The following gear pump designs are available: internal eccentric gear pumps, modular gear pump, helical gear pump etc.

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Пропонуємо вашій увазі різні аксесуари для пневматичних мембранних насосів. У нашому портфоліо представлені демпфери пульсацій: Tranquilizers® - демпфери пульсацій компанії Sandpiper; пластикові і металеві демпери пульсацій виробництва Dellmeco. Також ми пропонуємо систему розподілу стисненого повітря ESADS +.

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