Насоси CIP - це спеціалізовані насоси, розроблені для використання в процесах чищення на місці (CIP) у промисловості. Ці насоси призначені для передачі засобів для чищення і води з високою швидкістю і тиском, забезпечуючи ефективне видалення забруднень і мікроорганізмів з поверхонь обладнання і трубопроводів. Насоси CIP відіграють ключову роль у забезпеченні безпеки виробництва харчових, фармацевтичних та інших продуктів, де потрібне суворе дотримання стандартів гігієни та якості. Використання насосів CIP дозволяє скоротити час та витрати на очищення обладнання, забезпечуючи при цьому високий рівень ефективності та продуктивності виробничих процесів.
Pneumatic diaphragm pumps of the hygienic series are made of polished stainless steel AISI 316L. The pumps are hermetically sealed, self-priming, and are designed primarily for pumping of slightly aggressive media, food and cosmetic products. They are used in those industries where there are increased requirements to hygiene, for example dairy production.
Designed for use in the most extreme chemical processing applications, the ULTRAChem® series pumps are magnetically driven pumps that meet ANSI standards. The pumps are designed for pumping aggressive, chemically active liquids. The concentration of suspended solids should not exceed 1.25 mg/cubic cm. The pumps are ideal for operation at ultra-low ambient temperatures.
The hygienic screw pumps are specially designed for use in the food, cosmetics and beverage industries. The pumps have a simple design, which greatly simplifies their cleaning. All metal parts in contact with the pumped product are made of SS304 / SS316 stainless steel. For the transport of materials with high viscosity, pumps with a wide discharge hopper are designed.
Electric metering pumps (piston and diaphragm) are designed for maximum operating ranges. Diaphragm and piston dosing pumps are specially designed for dosing all types of chemicals, whether corrosive, toxic or highly viscous, for water treatment, industrial processes, petrochemicals and agriculture. The main advantage of the pumps is the ability to connect up to four working heads to one motor, and these units can simultaneously pump different types of liquids with different capacities. The pumps themselves are made of high-quality materials, have a robust design and are maintenance-free.
Waukesha lobe pumps are represented by two main series: Universal I and Universal II. They differ in operating pressure and some design features. The former operates at a pressure of 13.8 bar, and the latter at 34.5 bar. The Universal II models are equipped with a three-pin stationary seal. The pumps used in the food and pharmaceutical industries meet all hygiene and safety standards. For pharmaceutical equipment, a smooth internal surface is mandatory. For both series of pumps, all parts and structures can be rinsed.
W+ is a comprehensive range of premium sanitary end-suction centrifugal pumps designed with maximum operating benefits and minimal life cycle costs in mind. Energy-saving sanitary centrifugal pumps of the W+ series are characterized by increased reliability and a high level of hygiene. The pump series consists of 17 standard models.
The R-series pump is ideal for the type of application where pumps with metal rotors will not work effectively. When you need to strip clean your pump because the product will not wash out by using a normal CIP process such as meat processing, the R pump overcomes this problem by its simple robust design. The R pump design utilities a floating rotor without rotor nuts. Rotors are interchangeable and can only be fitted in one position due to a specially modified square shaft.
The DELTA SV/SVS butterfly valves are manually or pneumatically operated shut-off valves. The valves are very robust and reliable and their compact design makes them ideal for almost all applications. The valve is very easy to install and maintain.
The SANDPIPER Non-Metallic AODD Pumps for standard applications are one of the most popular diaphragm pump series. The pumps are available in a wide range of sizes (1/4'' - 3''), casing materials and elastomers. The pumps are most commonly used in production areas where aggressive and explosive liquids need to be pumped. Due to their light weight, these pumps are used in portable versions for pumping liquids from drums.
DELLMECO air-operated diaphragm pumps (AODD) are suitable for a wide range of applications. They have high abrasion resistance and can withstand aggressive chemicals, including acids, oils, solvents, paints, sludge and even media containing solid particles, such as in wastewater. These pumps can also be used for pumping powders.
All pumps are self-priming and their performance and pressure can be easily controlled. This pump is a positive displacement pump that pumps liquids by the movement of diaphragms driven by compressed air. The casing in contact with the liquid is made of polyethylene (PE), polyethylene conductive, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), polytetrafluoroethylene conductive.
The TPX static inline mixer is used to continuously mix various combinations of liquids, gases and particles. The mixer is also well suited to ensure a uniform mixing temperature, e.g. by direct steam supply. The static mixer can be used for pre-mixing and post-mixing. It can be used for mixing dairy products such as cream and milk to normalization, starter and milk, fat and recombined milk.
Peristaltic pumps of the N series (roller design) are self-priming peristaltic pumps with a seal-free design. The liquids are transported inside the hose and do not come into contact with any metal parts of the pump.
The pumps are characterised by extremely smooth pumping of the product, thus preventing the formation of emulsions or turbulence. All pumps can be supplied in monoblock versions connected to gearboxes, regulators, electric, diesel, pneumatic or hydraulic motors.
Idrochemical NCM centrifugal pumps comply with the dimensional criteria of ISO 2858 and ISO 5199. The casing and impeller profiles are designed to achieve high hydraulic efficiency and low NPSH.
The NCM line is available in five bearing housing sizes with wide interchangeability of parts, which allows for low maintenance spares.
You can buy centrifugal vertical single-stage pumps of the NCV series from ASCO PUMPS Ukraine. The maximum shaft length is 5 m. The standard design is designed for rotational speeds up to 2900 rpm. The radial bearings are lubricated by the pumped liquid, provided it does not contain any suspended abrasive particles. If the pumped fluid is slightly abrasive, the radial bearings are lubricated with an external special transparent grease.
Сlose coupled industrial pumps of the NCL series - IN LINE design - are units designed to support technological processes involving the pumping of hazardous liquids. The main field of application of such equipment is the petrochemical and chemical industries. The pumps are indispensable for solving such tasks as pumping acids, caustics, chlorine alkaline solutions, chemical fibers, polymers, volatile organic compounds, sludge pumping and waste treatment. The pumps are CE-marked and comply with applicable European directives such as ATEX.
The EL series pumps are designed for pumping liquids containing solid particles. The axial impeller is resistant to wear in contaminated media.
CMA series pumps are open impeller pumps designed for pumping liquids with suspended solids and solid particles. CMC series pumps are pumps with a closed impeller made of two stainless steel disks. CMA/CMC series pumps are used for transportation of large volumes of chemically active liquids and acids, for petroleum products, in galvanizing, pharmaceutical and paint and varnish industries.
Side channel self-priming stainless steel pumps - MX series. It is a liquid ring pump, completely made of Stainless Steel 316, self-priming and reversible.
The Valisi VD-ECA series are diaphragm and piston metering pumps with advanced metering control for precise and automatic control. The pumps are designed to accommodate a variety of remote control options such as SCADA, etc.
VALISI internal gear pumps of the VD series are positive displacement pumps with a robust and simple design (only two moving parts). This type of design allows for efficient pumping of both liquid and clean media, as well as highly viscous abrasive media with inclusions (e.g. asphalt, chocolate, honey, etc.). The pumps can pump liquids with a viscosity of 100 ~ 1.000.000 cst. The pumps provide a uniform flow and high pressure. The following gear pump designs are available: without axial support, with axial support, in-line design, monoblock design, and high-speed design.
Rotary Lobe Pumps are reliable and efficient solutions for pumping liquids in a wide range of industries that require reliable and wear-resistant technology.
Rotary Lobe Pumps are reliable thanks to its hygiene design, capable of pumping without damaging liquid’s structure, and depending on liquid’s viscosity, Rotary Lobe Pumps have the ability of generating pressure up to 12 Bar.
The DW pump series is the newest series of SPX FLOW rotary lobe pumps. No other cam pump on the market today offers such a wide range of functions in one pump. DW pump models are hygienic and meet all the requirements of industrial standards 3-A and EHEDG. All parts in contact with the product are made of AISI 316L stainless steel and the elastomers meet FDA requirements.
CIP pumps, or pumps for cleaning in place systems, are important equipment in industry that ensure effective cleaning of equipment and pipelines. The main advantage of using CIP pumps is the possibility of carrying out automated cleaning processes, which significantly reduces maintenance time and costs and increases the productivity of the enterprise. In addition, CIP pumps are capable of operating at high pressures and ensuring the effective removal of contaminants, microorganisms and product residues from equipment surfaces, which is especially important for the production of food and pharmaceutical products.
When choosing a CIP pump, it is important to consider several key factors. First, it is necessary to determine the required pump performance, which depends on the volume and intensity of production. You should also pay attention to the materials used in the pump design to ensure its compatibility with the chemicals used in the cleaning process. The energy efficiency of the pump is also an important aspect, as it allows you to reduce operating costs and reduce the load on production systems.
CIP pumps are widely used in various industries. In the food industry, they are used to clean equipment and pipelines in contact with products, which ensures high standards of hygiene and safety. In the pharmaceutical industry, CIP pumps ensure the safe and efficient removal of drug residues from equipment, minimizing the risk of contamination. In addition, CIP pumps are used in the beverage and cosmetics industries, as well as in machine tool construction and many other areas.
To ensure long and trouble-free operation of CIP pumps, regular maintenance and support are necessary. This includes checking and replacing worn parts, adjusting pump operating parameters, and training personnel on the correct operation and maintenance of the equipment. It is also important to have access to qualified technical support from the manufacturer or supplier to promptly resolve any issues and ensure continuity of production processes.
In conclusion, CIP pumps play an important role in ensuring the safety and efficiency of production processes in various industries. The right choice of a CIP pump, its proper operation and maintenance can significantly improve the production performance of the enterprise and ensure compliance with high quality and hygiene standards.