Іскробезпечні насоси є спеціально розробленими насосними пристроями, які забезпечують безпечну роботу в умовах, де існує небезпека виникнення іскріння. Такі насоси зазвичай застосовуються у вибухонебезпечних середовищах, де наявність горючих газів, пари або пилу може призвести до серйозних наслідків. Іскробезпечні насоси мають спеціальні конструктивні особливості та матеріали, які виключають можливість виникнення іскріння всередині насоса і можуть працювати в умовах, де дотримання стандартів безпеки є критично важливим. Вони знаходять широке застосування в таких галузях, як хімічна промисловість, нафтогазова галузь, гірничодобувна промисловість та інші, де безпека є пріоритетом.
Pneumatic diaphragm pumps of the hygienic series are made of polished stainless steel AISI 316L. The pumps are hermetically sealed, self-priming, and are designed primarily for pumping of slightly aggressive media, food and cosmetic products. They are used in those industries where there are increased requirements to hygiene, for example dairy production.
Designed for use in the most extreme chemical processing applications, the ULTRAChem® series pumps are magnetically driven pumps that meet ANSI standards. The pumps are designed for pumping aggressive, chemically active liquids. The concentration of suspended solids should not exceed 1.25 mg/cubic cm. The pumps are ideal for operation at ultra-low ambient temperatures.
The vertical centrifugal pump is designed to submerge the pump in the pumped liquid so that the electric motor remains above the liquid level. The semi-submersible chemical pump uses special construction materials and technical solutions that allow it to withstand chemical attack not only from the inside but also from the outside. We offer sealed semi-submersible vertical pumps with magnetic coupling and pumps with mechanical seal for pumping sodium hydroxide and hypochlorite, sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric acid, alkalis, various corrosive mixtures, solvent, wastewater with chemical impurities, etc.
Dry operated rotary vane pumps designed to operate without any lubrication. They require minimum maintenance, which can be carried out easily thanks to the direct access to the vanes. They can be used as vacuum pumps, as compressors, or to produce vacuum and pressure simultaneously.
General purpose pumps are widely used in all areas of industrial production around the world due to their gentle handling of the fluid during pumping, as well as their simple and robust design and minimal maintenance. Thanks to the standard connection dimensions, the pumps can be combined with any motor and other drive elements that comply with NEMA or IEC standards.
The AVA series pumps are designed and manufactured for use in the most critical applications, their main feature being that they are suitable for suction of contaminated gas mixtures, corrosive gases and vapours, explosive gases and vapours of any nature up to normal end vacuum, providing a maximum vacuum of up to 180 mbar. They are manufactured to the highest quality standards.
Two-stage vacuum pumps of the AVD-AVDL series are capable of creating a maximum residual pressure of up to 33 mbar. They are in demand in cases where it is necessary to pump out various moisture in the form of steam or liquids in sufficiently large quantities. The reliability of the products is beyond doubt, they are easy to maintain, and they can be used to pump out any gas or vapour. Materials used for manufacturing range from high-quality, particularly resistant cast iron to stainless steel of the highest grades, for example, AISI 316.
The VPH series of peristaltic pumps with shoe technology is our updated peristaltic pump designed for high pressure applications up to 15 bar, with 14 sizes available in flow rates up to 150 m3/h. This is a heavy-duty industrial pump series designed for round-the-clock operation. We have combined the best available materials with clever design solutions to maximise uptime and minimise maintenance.
This pump summarises what we want to achieve: the best pumping solutions for our customers. Our design increases the simplicity and reliability of the pump.
Peristaltic pumps of the N series (roller design) are self-priming peristaltic pumps with a seal-free design. The liquids are transported inside the hose and do not come into contact with any metal parts of the pump.
The pumps are characterised by extremely smooth pumping of the product, thus preventing the formation of emulsions or turbulence. All pumps can be supplied in monoblock versions connected to gearboxes, regulators, electric, diesel, pneumatic or hydraulic motors.
The modern metal diaphragm pump of VC series features a unique, non-jamming air valve that is simple, robust and reliable, and does not require a separate or mechanically operated pilot valve. The bolted design ensures leak-free pumping of liquids. The pneumatic diaphragm pumps are designed and manufactured to meet the needs of both OEMs and end users. The main characteristics of these pumps are competitive prices, few parts, simple design and maintenance, and high quality. Stainless steel pumps are FDA approved. Aluminium pumps with PTFE diaphragms are explosion-proof and ATEX certified.
Valisi metal pumps of the V series are available in a variety of construction materials: aluminium and stainless steel. This series of pumps for industrial applications provides high efficiency and reliability for continuous operation. With a flow rate of up to 908 l/min and a wide variety of materials and channel configurations, you will find the right pump for your application. FDA-compliant metal pumps are available, specially manufactured from materials that are safe for food, beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetic processes where 3A, USDA or EHEDG standards are not required. The simple, robust design features trouble-free air valve operation, oil-free operation, reliable on/off operation, easy operation and maintenance, and delicate/shear-sensitive product handling. The pumps comply with EU Directive 1935/2004.
Idrochemical NCM centrifugal pumps comply with the dimensional criteria of ISO 2858 and ISO 5199. The casing and impeller profiles are designed to achieve high hydraulic efficiency and low NPSH.
The NCM line is available in five bearing housing sizes with wide interchangeability of parts, which allows for low maintenance spares.
You can buy centrifugal vertical single-stage pumps of the NCV series from ASCO PUMPS Ukraine. The maximum shaft length is 5 m. The standard design is designed for rotational speeds up to 2900 rpm. The radial bearings are lubricated by the pumped liquid, provided it does not contain any suspended abrasive particles. If the pumped fluid is slightly abrasive, the radial bearings are lubricated with an external special transparent grease.
Сlose coupled industrial pumps of the NCL series - IN LINE design - are units designed to support technological processes involving the pumping of hazardous liquids. The main field of application of such equipment is the petrochemical and chemical industries. The pumps are indispensable for solving such tasks as pumping acids, caustics, chlorine alkaline solutions, chemical fibers, polymers, volatile organic compounds, sludge pumping and waste treatment. The pumps are CE-marked and comply with applicable European directives such as ATEX.
Side channel self-priming stainless steel pumps - MX series. It is a liquid ring pump, completely made of Stainless Steel 316, self-priming and reversible.
VALISI internal gear pumps of the VD series are positive displacement pumps with a robust and simple design (only two moving parts). This type of design allows for efficient pumping of both liquid and clean media, as well as highly viscous abrasive media with inclusions (e.g. asphalt, chocolate, honey, etc.). The pumps can pump liquids with a viscosity of 100 ~ 1.000.000 cst. The pumps provide a uniform flow and high pressure. The following gear pump designs are available: without axial support, with axial support, in-line design, monoblock design, and high-speed design.
Intrinsically safe pumps are a reliable solution for operation in explosive environments. They are designed to transport liquids in conditions where there is a risk of sparking, which could lead to a flash or explosion. Industrial enterprises working with flammable liquids, gases or dust actively use intrinsically safe pumps to ensure the safety of production processes and prevent emergencies.
Intrinsically safe pumps have a number of characteristics that make them indispensable in conditions of increased danger:
Industrial intrinsically safe pumps are widely used in various industries, including the oil and gas industry, chemical production, mining enterprises, food and pharmaceutical industries. They are used to pump flammable liquids, including gasoline, diesel fuel, fuel oil, as well as to work with flammable gases and dust. Intrinsically safe pumps can also be used in agriculture to pump fertilizers and pesticides, where there is a risk of ignition.
The selection of a suitable intrinsically safe pump depends on the characteristics of the working environment, the required performance, the operating pressure and other process parameters. It is also important to consider the compatibility of the pump with existing safety systems and the requirements of local regulatory documents.