Роторні насоси є ефективним і надійним обладнанням, що використовується для перекачування рідин або газів. Вони працюють на основі принципу обертання ротора всередині корпусу, створюючи розрідження та перекачуючи середовище через помпу. Ці насоси широко застосовуються в різних галузях, таких як хімічна промисловість, нафтогазовий сектор, харчова промисловість та інші завдяки своїй високій продуктивності, надійності та можливості роботи з різними типами рідин і газів.
The hygienic screw pumps are specially designed for use in the food, cosmetics and beverage industries. The pumps have a simple design, which greatly simplifies their cleaning. All metal parts in contact with the pumped product are made of SS304 / SS316 stainless steel. For the transport of materials with high viscosity, pumps with a wide discharge hopper are designed.
The pumps are used in various enterprises, industries, in the most difficult operating conditions, ensuring smooth fluid transfer. The pumps are suitable for pumping liquids with low and high viscosity, as well as for pumping abrasive, sticky, crushing and foaming liquids. The pumps are particularly suited for handling products with solid particles. The suction capacity is max. 5m/s. The pumps deliver regular, linear, pulsation-free and measured flow. Quiet operation without vibration.
The design of the pumps allows them to be used for many different applications. The standard design includes an enlarged rectangular inlet hopper with a screw conveyor that pushes the product to be pumped into the pump's working section. There are versions in which the pump inlet is equipped with a large screw, an integrated cork breaker or both. Most pumps are supplied in a monoblock design (direct connection of the pump to the electric motor) or with a free shaft outlet (without an electric motor).
Rotor pumps are efficient and reliable equipment used to pump liquids or gases. They work on the principle of rotating a rotor inside a housing, creating a vacuum and pumping the medium through the pump. These pumps are widely used in various industries such as the chemical industry, the oil and gas sector, the food industry and others due to their high performance, reliability and ability to work with various types of liquids and gases.
Industrial rotary pumps are a specialized type of rotary pumps designed to operate under high load and intensive use conditions. They have an improved design and additional features that ensure stable and efficient operation in industrial processes. These pumps are often used in the production, processing and transportation of various liquids and gases, where high performance and reliability of the equipment are required.
Rotor pump – is a type of pump based on the principle of operation of a rotor that rotates inside the housing, creating a vacuum and pumping the medium through the pump. This type of pump has high efficiency and reliability due to its design and working mechanism. It is widely used in various industries to pump liquids and gases such as oil, water, chemicals and others due to its ability to handle various types of media with high accuracy and efficiency.