Насоси з магнітним диском – це інноваційні пристрої, які використовують магнітне поле для передачі механічної енергії від двигуна до насоса. Вони відрізняються від традиційних насосів, тому що не вимагають механічних ущільнень між двигуном та насосом, що робить їх більш надійними та ефективними. Цей тип насосів зазвичай використовується в додатках, де потрібний високий ступінь герметичності та запобігання витоку рідини, таких як у хімічній промисловості, водоочищенні, медичних установках та інших галузях. Завдяки своїй надійності та довговічності, насоси з магнітним диском стають все більш популярними у різних промислових секторах, де безпека та ефективність відіграють вирішальну роль.
The non-self-priming plastic centrifugal hermetic chemical pumps with magnetic coupling of the DB series are one of the most popular chemical pumps in the pump segment with a capacity of up to 50 m3/h. The pumps are ideal for pumping aggressive liquids such as sodium hydroxide and hypochlorite, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, nitric acid, alkalis, various corrosive mixtures, solvent, wastewater with chemical impurities. The concentration of suspended particles should not exceed 1.25 mg/cubic cm.
The vertical centrifugal pump is designed to submerge the pump in the pumped liquid so that the electric motor remains above the liquid level. The semi-submersible chemical pump uses special construction materials and technical solutions that allow it to withstand chemical attack not only from the inside but also from the outside. We offer sealed semi-submersible vertical pumps with magnetic coupling and pumps with mechanical seal for pumping sodium hydroxide and hypochlorite, sulfuric, hydrochloric, nitric acid, alkalis, various corrosive mixtures, solvent, wastewater with chemical impurities, etc.
The SP series plastic centrifugal sealed chemical pumps with magnetic coupling are ideal for pumping aggressive liquids, various corrosive mixtures, solvent, wastewater with chemical impurities. The concentration of suspended solids should be no more than 1.25 mg/cubic cm. All pump components in contact with the medium are free of metal parts. Thus, no oxidation of the medium occurs in these pumps. The pumps are used even for media where contact with the atmosphere is not permitted.
Magnetic Disc Pumps – are advanced devices that offer unique advantages over traditional pumps. Their feature is the use of a magnetic field to transfer mechanical energy from the motor to the pump, which eliminates the need for mechanical seals between the motor and the pump.
Industrial magnetic disc pumps offer a number of advantages:
Due to the absence of mechanical seals, magnetic disc pumps have higher reliability and durability. They are less prone to wear and failure, which reduces the risk of downtime and reduces maintenance costs.
Magnetic pumps provide high efficiency due to minimal energy loss. They effectively overcome hydraulic resistance and are able to provide a stable and uniform fluid flow.
The use of a magnetic field eliminates problems with seals and prevents fluid leakage from the pump. This is especially important in industrial environments, where tightness plays a crucial role for the safety and efficiency of processes.
Send-drive pumps can be used in various industries, including chemical production, oil and gas industry, food and pharmaceutical industry, as well as water purification and wastewater treatment.
When choosing an industrial send-drive pump, it is important to pay attention to the following criteria:
Make sure that the selected pump provides the required performance and is able to operate in the conditions of your production.
Investigate the materials used in the pump’s construction and make sure they are resistant to the chemical effects of the working environment.
Pay attention to the dimensions of the pump and its dimensions to make sure it is suitable for your equipment and installation conditions.
Purchase the pump from a reliable manufacturer with a good reputation