Motorless pumps

Безмоторні насоси є типом насосних пристроїв, які працюють без використання вбудованого двигуна. Натомість вони використовують зовнішнє джерело енергії, такий як електричний або гідравлічний привід, щоб створити потік рідини. Ці насоси зазвичай застосовуються в ситуаціях, де необхідне періодичне або безперервне перекачування рідини без встановлення окремого двигуна на самому насосі. Їх гнучкість та універсальність роблять їх широко використовуваними у різних галузях, включаючи промисловість, сільське господарство, будівництво та автомобільну галузь. Безмоторні насоси пропонують ефективне рішення для задач перекачування рідини, дозволяючи заощаджувати місце, покращувати продуктивність та забезпечувати надійну роботу в різних умовах експлуатації.

TOP-5 Motorless pumps + other products

Hygienic Series

Hygienic Series

Pneumatic diaphragm pumps of the hygienic series are made of polished stainless steel AISI 316L. The pumps are hermetically sealed, self-priming, and are designed primarily for pumping of slightly aggressive media, food and cosmetic products. They are used in those industries where there are increased requirements to hygiene, for example dairy production.

Flow Range:max. 850 l/min
Temperature:up to 120°C
Pressure:8 bar
Solids:max. 15 mm
Materials:AISI 316 L
Sandpiper plastic series

Sandpiper plastic series

The SANDPIPER Non-Metallic AODD Pumps for standard applications are one of the most popular diaphragm pump series. The pumps are available in a wide range of sizes (1/4'' - 3''), casing materials and elastomers. The pumps are most commonly used in production areas where aggressive and explosive liquids need to be pumped. Due to their light weight, these pumps are used in portable versions for pumping liquids from drums.

Flow Range:up to 1060 l/min
Temperature:depends on elastomer
Pressure:up to 7 bar
Solids:up to 19 mm
Materials:corrosion-resistant polypropylene or PVDF
Dimensions:up to 3''
Dellmeco plastic series

Dellmeco plastic series

DELLMECO air-operated diaphragm pumps (AODD) are suitable for a wide range of applications. They have high abrasion resistance and can withstand aggressive chemicals, including acids, oils, solvents, paints, sludge and even media containing solid particles, such as in wastewater. These pumps can also be used for pumping powders.
All pumps are self-priming and their performance and pressure can be easily controlled. This pump is a positive displacement pump that pumps liquids by the movement of diaphragms driven by compressed air. The casing in contact with the liquid is made of polyethylene (PE), polyethylene conductive, polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE), polytetrafluoroethylene conductive.

Flow Range:up to 850 l/min
Viscosity:max. 20.000 mPas
Temperature:max. 110 °С
Pressure:up to 8 bar
Solids:max. 15 mm
Materials:polyethylene, fluoroplastic, teflon, including conductive
Dimensions:up to 3 in.
Valisi metallic series VC

Valisi metallic series VC

The modern metal  diaphragm pump of VC series features a unique, non-jamming air valve that is simple, robust and reliable, and does not require a separate or mechanically operated pilot valve. The bolted design ensures leak-free pumping of liquids. The pneumatic diaphragm pumps are designed and manufactured to meet the needs of both OEMs and end users. The main characteristics of these pumps are competitive prices, few parts, simple design and maintenance, and high quality. Stainless steel pumps are FDA approved. Aluminium pumps with PTFE diaphragms are explosion-proof and ATEX certified.

Flow Range:up to 903 l/min
Temperature:depends on elastomer
Pressure:up to 8 bar
Solids:up to 9 mm
Materials:aluminium, cast iron, carbon steel, SS 316
Dimensions:up to 3 in.
Valisi metallic series V

Valisi metallic series V

Valisi metal pumps of the V series are available in a variety of construction materials: aluminium and stainless steel. This series of pumps for industrial applications provides high efficiency and reliability for continuous operation. With a flow rate of up to 908 l/min and a wide variety of materials and channel configurations, you will find the right pump for your application. FDA-compliant metal pumps are available, specially manufactured from materials that are safe for food, beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetic processes where 3A, USDA or EHEDG standards are not required. The simple, robust design features trouble-free air valve operation, oil-free operation, reliable on/off operation, easy operation and maintenance, and delicate/shear-sensitive product handling. The pumps comply with EU Directive 1935/2004.

Flow Range:up to 908 l/min
Temperature:Determined by elastomers
Pressure:up to 8 bar
Solids:up to 12.7 mm
Materials:aluminium, 316 stainless steel, cast iron
Dimensions:up to 3 in.

Motorless Pumps

Motorless Pumps: Technologies for Efficient Pumping

Description of Motorless Pumps

Motorless pumps – are a type of pumping device that operates without a built-in motor. Instead, they rely on an external power source, such as an electric or hydraulic drive, to create a fluid flow. These pumps provide intermittent or continuous fluid transfer without the need to install a separate motor on the pump itself.

Advantages of Motorless Industrial Pumps

Industrial motorless pumps offer a number of advantages that make them an important tool in various industries. They have high flexibility and versatility, which allows them to be used in industry, agriculture, construction and automotive. Motorless pumps offer an effective solution for liquid pumping tasks, saving space, increasing productivity and ensuring reliable operation in various operating conditions.

Industrial motorless pumps

Applications of motorless pumps in industry

Motorless pumps are widely used in various industries due to their versatility and efficiency. They are used to pump various liquids, including water, petroleum products, chemical solutions and others. Their reliability and ease of use make them an indispensable tool for a variety of production processes.

Choosing the optimal motor-less pump

When choosing a motor-less pump, it is important to consider the requirements of a specific production process, environmental characteristics and operating conditions. There are many different models and types of motor-less pumps, which allows you to choose the optimal solution for each specific task.


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