Seal-less pumps

Насоси без ущільнень - це інноваційні насосні пристрої, спеціально розроблені для забезпечення безпечного та надійного перекачування рідин без необхідності використання традиційних ущільнень або ущільнювальних пристроїв. Вони є важливим обладнанням у різних галузях промисловості, де потрібне запобігання витоку рідини та мінімізація ризиків займання або забруднення середовища. Насоси без ущільнень засновані на принципах гідравліки та механіки, які дозволяють забезпечити герметичність та ефективність роботи без застосування традиційних ущільнень, що знижує витрати на обслуговування та збільшує термін служби обладнання. Ці насоси пропонують низку переваг, включаючи підвищену безпеку, економію енергії та зниження вібрації, що робить їх привабливим вибором для багатьох виробничих завдань.

TOP-5 Seal-less + other products

API 674 High Horsepower Process Pumps

API 674 High Horsepower Process Pumps

Reduce energy consumption and lower maintenance costs with Wanner Hydra-Cell T & Q series, a triplex multi-diaphragm pump (three-piston) or a quintuplex (four-piston) diaphragm pump. These seal-less and packing-free pumps meet API 674 standards and are designed for heavy-duty applications for process, transfer and injection for the oil and gas industry.

Flow Range:up to 579 l/min
Temperature:up to 82 °С
Pressure:up to 241 bar
Solids:up to 0,8 mm
Materials:kel Aluminium Bronze, Duplex Alloy 2205, SS316L, SS CF3M, Hastelloy CX2M
API 675 Metering & Dosing Pumps

API 675 Metering & Dosing Pumps

Hydra-Cell Metering Solutions pumps meet and, in most cases, exceed API 675 performance standards by providing virtually pulse-free, linear flow, as well as many other operational benefits. Taking advantage of state-of-the-art technology, Hydra-Cell P-Series metering pumps achieve superior levels of accuracy, repeatability and linearity, delivering precise, consistent flow. This revolution in metering uses the latest electronic flow control available to replace outdated, inaccurate stroke controllers.

Flow Range:up to 2 808 l/min
Temperature:up to 121 °С
Pressure:up to 172 bar
Solids:800 microns
Materials:bronze, cast iron, Hastelloy C, polypropylene, PVDF, stainless steel 316L
API 674 & API 675 Injection, Transfer and Dosing Pumps

API 674 & API 675 Injection, Transfer and Dosing Pumps

The Wanner Hydra-Cell G-Series process pumps are highly efficient and reliable for transferring corrosive, non-lubricating and abrasive liquids, injecting and spraying a wide range of fluids. The pumps are equally suitable for high and low pressure applications. The sealed design reduces maintenance and repair costs and minimises the cost of spare parts compared to other pump types. The pumps are available with SAE, ANSI or DIN flanges and IEC or NEMA motor mounts. The equipment is ATEX certified.

Flow Range:up to 248 l/min
Temperature:up to 121 °С
Pressure:up to 172 bar
Solids:800 microns
Materials:cast iron, bronze, stainless steel, polypropylene
Vertical centrifugal pumps

Vertical centrifugal pumps

You can buy centrifugal vertical single-stage pumps of the NCV series from ASCO PUMPS Ukraine. The maximum shaft length is 5 m. The standard design is designed for rotational speeds up to 2900 rpm. The radial bearings are lubricated by the pumped liquid, provided it does not contain any suspended abrasive particles. If the pumped fluid is slightly abrasive, the radial bearings are lubricated with an external special transparent grease.

Flow Range:to 2500 m3/h
Temperature:-80°C to +350°C
Pressure:to 16 bar
Materials:cast iron, steel, carbon steel, stainless steel, nickel, Hastelloy, titanium, bronze
Dimensions:Discharge size from 20 mm to 300 mm
Length:up to 1500 mm
SP Series Self-Priming Pumps

SP Series Self-Priming Pumps

The SP series plastic centrifugal sealed chemical pumps with magnetic coupling are ideal for pumping aggressive liquids, various corrosive mixtures, solvent, wastewater with chemical impurities. The concentration of suspended solids should be no more than 1.25 mg/cubic cm. All pump components in contact with the medium are free of metal parts. Thus, no oxidation of the medium occurs in these pumps. The pumps are used even for media where contact with the atmosphere is not permitted.


Flow Range:to 47.9 m3/h
Viscosity:to 50 сP
Temperature:РР: +82 °С / PVDF: +104 °С
Pressure:to 6.2 bar
Materials:PP, PVDF

Sealless Pumps

Sealless Pumps: The New Word in Industrial Pumping

Sealless Pump Technology Overview

Sealless pumps are innovative pumping devices specifically designed to provide safe and reliable pumping of liquids without the use of traditional seals or sealing devices. They are essential equipment in various industries where it is necessary to prevent fluid leakage and minimize the risk of fire or environmental pollution.

Advantages of using sealless pumps

Sealless industrial pumps have a number of advantages that make them an attractive choice for many production tasks. They are based on the principles of hydraulics and mechanics that allow for tightness and efficiency without the use of traditional seals, which reduces maintenance costs and increases the service life of the equipment.

Sealless Industrial Pumps

Applications of sealless pumps in industry

Sealless pumps are widely used in various industries, including the chemical, oil and gas, food and pharmaceutical industries. They are used to pump various liquids, including aggressive chemicals, petroleum products, food additives and much more.

Choosing the most suitable sealless pump

When choosing a sealless pump, it is important to consider a number of factors, such as performance requirements, characteristics of the pumped medium, operating conditions and budget. Today, there are many different models and types of sealless pumps on the market, allowing you to choose the optimal solution for specific production tasks.


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