Насос сертифікований PED - EMEA - це насосне обладнання, яке отримало сертифікацію відповідно до директиви про промислове обладнання (PED) Європейського економічного простору (EMEA). Ця сертифікація підтверджує відповідність насосів вимогам безпеки та якості, встановленим у PED для застосування у промислових сферах, таких як хімічна, нафтогазова, харчова та фармацевтична промисловість. Насоси, сертифіковані PED-EMEA, відповідають високим стандартам виробництва та забезпечують надійну та безпечну роботу в різних технічних процесах та системах.
Hybrid systems offer the engineering advantage of designing process vacuum systems based on a combination of two or more different technologies to achieve the required performance with the most reliable and efficient solution.
PED-EMEA Certified Pumps are specialized pumping equipment that has been certified in accordance with the Industrial Equipment Directive (PED) of the European Economic Area (EMEA). This certification confirms that the pumps meet the safety and quality requirements set out in the PED, making them a reliable and safe choice for use in various industrial sectors.
PED Certification – The EMEA ensures that the pumps meet the high safety and quality standards set out in the PED directive. This provides customers with confidence in the reliability and efficiency of pumping equipment, as well as increases the level of safety in technical processes and systems.
Based on the PED - EMEA certification, these pumps have the following characteristics:
Ped-EMEA certified pumps are widely used in various technical processes and systems, including:
When choosing a pump certified under the PED-EMEA directive, you should pay attention to the following aspects:
PED - EMEA certified pumps are reliable and safe pumping equipment that meets high safety and quality standards. Their use in various industries ensures the efficiency and reliability of technological processes and liquid pumping systems.