Насос сертифікований EU Food EC 1935/2004 - це насосне обладнання, яке відповідає вимогам та стандартам Європейського союзу з безпеки харчових продуктів, встановленим у регламенті EC 1935/2004. Така сертифікація підтверджує, що насоси можуть бути безпечно використані в харчовій промисловості для перекачування рідин, що контактують з продуктами харчування, і що вони не загрожують здоров'ю споживачів. Це робить насоси сертифіковані EU Food EC 1935/2004 ідеальним вибором для виробників харчових продуктів, які прагнуть дотримуватися високих стандартів безпеки та якості.
Despite their simple design and operating principle, Valisi plastic diaphragm pumps are characterised by exceptional performance and reliability. They can be used to pump clean liquids with low viscosity as well as abrasive liquids with medium viscosity. In addition, these pumps can handle large particles without damaging the equipment. And thanks to the pneumatic motor, they can be used in explosive atmospheres.
Rotary Lobe Pumps are reliable and efficient solutions for pumping liquids in a wide range of industries that require reliable and wear-resistant technology.
Rotary Lobe Pumps are reliable thanks to its hygiene design, capable of pumping without damaging liquid’s structure, and depending on liquid’s viscosity, Rotary Lobe Pumps have the ability of generating pressure up to 12 Bar.
EU Food EC 1935/2004 certified pumps are high-quality pumps designed to meet strict safety and hygiene standards for contact with food. They meet the European Union requirements for materials intended for contact with food and ensure reliable and safe operation in the food industry.
1. Product Safety: These pumps ensure that food products are not contaminated and remain safe for consumption by complying with EC 1935/2004 standards.
2. High hygiene: Made of materials approved for contact with food, the pumps ensure a high level of hygiene during food processing.
3. Reliable operation: EU Food EC 1935/2004 certified industrial pumps ensure stable and efficient operation in food production environments.
1. Beverage production: They are ideal for pumping juices, beverages and other liquids that require a high degree of hygiene.
2. Food processing: Used for pumping and processing dairy products, sauces, purees and other food ingredients.
3. Pharmaceutical Industry: Essential for handling pharmaceutical liquids and medical products where a high level of safety is required.
When choosing pumps for the food industry, pay attention to their certification according to EC 1935/2004 standards, which guarantees compliance with the high safety and hygiene standards required for working with food products.