Насос сертифікований EC 1935 - це насосне обладнання, яке відповідає стандартам та вимогам сертифікації EC 1935. Сертифікація EC 1935 гарантує безпеку використання насосів у контакті з харчовими продуктами, що робить їх ідеальним вибором для застосування у харчовій промисловості та інших галузях, де необхідно забезпечити безпеку і гігієнічність рідин, що перекачуються.
Heavy-duty gear pumps solve the toughest applications and ensure maximum flow rates when emptying large tanks. The foot-mounted design of the pump allows the use of various types of mechanical seals without changing the design of the pump itself (Universal Seal series). A large bearing cup located at the rear of the pump allows the installation of any seal, from a conventional stuffing box to a double mechanical seal.
EC 1935 Certified Pumps are specialized pumping equipment that meets high standards of safety and hygiene in contact with food products. This certification ensures that the pumps provide safe and hygienic pumping of liquids, which is especially important for applications in the food and pharmaceutical industries.
Industrial pumps certified to EC 1935 are a reliable and efficient solution for pumping various liquids in conditions requiring compliance with high standards of safety and hygiene. They are widely used in the food, pharmaceutical and other industries, where it is important to ensure the safety and quality of the products being pumped.
EC 1935 certified pumps are reliable and safe pumping equipment that meets high standards of safety and hygiene in contact with food products. Their use ensures the safety of the pumped liquids and guarantees the quality of production in the food and pharmaceutical industries.